What We Do
We Empower Future Leaders To Uplift Underprivileged Students And Transform Our Education System
Challenge: Education Inequity
Undermine Students’ Achievement, Aspiration, and trajectory
Education inequity persists and is often overlooked. Education resources are unequally distributed along socioeconomic lines.
When a student’s socioeconomic background dictates their access to quality education and resources for pursuing alternative pathways, education no longer works as a way for underprivileged students to achieve upward social mobility.
Our Vision
All Children In Hong Kong Have Equal Opportunity To Learn, Grow, And Realize Their Potential
Our Approach
Nurture Future Leaders and Make Immediate Impact on Students
TFHK’s program aims to bring systemic changes over the long run while in the short run directly impacting underprivileged students.
We recruit diverse talents to enrich underprivileged students’ learning experience, both inside and outside of classrooms, and ultimately nurture a community of proactive leaders using a four-stage model.