I am not a recent graduate. Am I eligible to apply for the Fellowship?
Yes, as long as you are aged 35 or under and hold a Bachelor’s Degree. According to the employment policies and procedures of local schools in Hong Kong, we currently only accept applicants who have work authorization in Hong Kong.
I have applied to TFHK in the past. Can I reapply?
Candidates may only apply to TFHK Fellowship Program once during an admission year but you are welcome to reapply in subsequent years.
is there any special requirements on the applicant's degree major or concentration at university?
No, we value diversity in candidates in terms of their academic background, personal experience and learning exposure. Every year, our Fellows come from 30+ disciplines, including Business, Engineering, Law, Science, Social Science, etc.
Is Teach for Hong Kong a profit-making organization? Do I need to pay for fellowship?
Teach For Hong Kong is a registered tax-exempt charitable institution under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (IR File No.: 91/14499). You do not need to pay to join the Fellowship.
Application Process
How long is the whole recruitment process?
Our overall recruitment period runs from late September 2023 to May 2024. During the period, you will go through an Online Application, Video Assessment, Assessment Day, and Offer. Offer announcements will be made in January and late April 2024 respectively, subject to when you apply.
How many Fellows is TFHK recruiting this year?
We do not have a specific target recruitment number. However, we envision a class size of approximately 30-40 Fellows for the coming year as we keep upscaling our Fellowship and endeavour to create a greater impact on society.
What is a one-way Video Assessment?
The one-way video assessment gives applicants an opportunity to expand on information you have provided in your application. Providing examples of your leadership skills and experience from different occasions will give us a holistic picture of who you are, and how your strengths might play out in the Fellowship.
Is there any difference among the recruitment cycles?
Earlier cycle applicants having higher chances to be accepted as we screen applications on a rolling basis. We strongly recommend you to submit your application as early as possible to secure a position in our Fellowship. Don't miss the chance, Learn more about Fellowship!
I am currently studying/ working abroad. Do I need to be back in Hong Kong to apply?
If you are currently abroad and may not be able to participate in coming assessment stages in person, we will have further arrangements for you. More details will be announced in due course. Stay tuned!
How can I prepare for one-way Video Assessment?
The One-Way Video Assessment primarily showcases your personality, hence there is no ideal way to prepare for it. You are suggested to start by recalling past experiences that are relevant to TFHK Fellowship Program and consolidating your vision and passion in education. Before providing your answers, you will have a preparation time for every question.
During the Fellowship
Will I be paid during the Fellowship?
Yes, you receive a monthly living stipend of HKD 16,000-17,000 during the 10-month Fellowship from September to June.
When will the Fellowship Program commence?
The Fellowship Program begins with the Summer Institute in early July. Summer Institute is a six-week training program, in partnership with Quality School Improvement Project (QSIP) from CUHK, where you will equip skills and knowledge on pedagogy techniques, education innovation, career, and leadership development. It is mandatory for Fellows to attend the Summer Institute in full.
Will there be any teaching support to enhance my teaching skills?
Prior to your service at partner schools, you will receive training from experienced educators from Quality School Improvement Project of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, a long-time training partner since our establishment.
Throughout your service, you will be assigned a mentor, who is a current teacher from the partner school you are placed into. The mentor will guide you through your school immersion, and lesson planning and class management responsibilities. Your progress will also be gauged regularly in the forms of lesson observations and surveys. In parallel, our team will closely communicate with schools, as well as to provide feedback and professional development support, in order to help you impact students effectively.
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